The imagination is so delicate that sometimes even words wound it

Thursday, December 2, 2010

We rely upon the poets the philosophers

We rely upon the poets the philosophers and the playwrights to articulate what most of us can only feel in joy or sorrow. They illuminate the thoughts for which we only grope. They give us the strength and balm we cannot find in ourselves. Whenever I find my courage wavering I rush to them. They give me the wisdom of acceptance the will and resilience to push on.

— Helen Hayes

12 inspired and motivated:

erer said...



Harini said...


Raj said...

writers 2

Jack said...

D D,

Read pending inspirational posts. Please do not discontinue it. I agree on Purpose of life fully. Hope is what keeps us going. We should move away from negative and overcome all obstacles.

Take care

Anonymous said...

there should be a "like" option here as in Facebook

Closed eyes... said...

:) :)

The Reader! said...

We want newer posts..

Anonymous said...

Your blog inspired me to start off again.=)

I'd be honored if you glance through it whenever:

Much love.

Aliza said...

trueee :) :)

The Me. said...


Sach1 said...

so true :)

WonderWall said...

Exactly!! :)

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