To solve many pressing problems that haunt us one should ignore the conventional methods and enter the world of unconventional thinking to problem solving. Unconventional methods can sometimes easily solve problems that conventional methods cannot. Given below are a few unconventional methods that one can try when struck with a nagging problem.
Let it go: We often believe a solution will appear if we keep attacking a a problem relentlessly. Unfortunately, solving many problems is similar to chasing a beautiful butterfly. SO LET IT GO
Sleep over it: Each one of use is a mysterious and magnificent machine. Behind our normal physical existence there lies a vast untapped world that we are not fully aware. GET OVER IT
Wait for the destined hour: Sometimes you have to think philosophically. It will get over when it is time. STOP DRIVING YOURSELF MAD
2 months ago
3 inspired and motivated:
the last one is quite difficult option but really it is the only last option
Wow..I feel as if you had read my mind and wrote this for me :P (not that you did) I feel so identified...
well then i am one of the lot aint i Thrice :)
i am glad i could reach out and touch!! :D
zsattar, arent all options tuff esp when you know which option u shud b pickin?
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