The imagination is so delicate that sometimes even words wound it

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Be an optimist and try to see the opportunity in every misfortune, not a pessimist that sees misfortune in every opportunity.

The optimist sees the doughnut, the pessimist sees the hole.

You can develop success from every failure.

Discouragement and failure are two stepping stones to success.

No other elements can do so much for you if you're willing to study them and make them work for you.

View every problem as an opportunity.
When it is dark enough, you can see the stars.

6 inspired and motivated:

Z Sattar said...

When it is dark enough, you can see the it

WarmSunshine said...

lovely thought :)

Kartz said...

**The optimist sees the doughnut, the pessimist sees the hole.
- A realist would eat the friggin' donut. ;)

Neat thoughts, di. :)

Sophia Ali said...

I needed this comes at the right time for me...

Anonymous said...

Zeeshan, :)

Mehreen, yay thanks

Kartz, ahhh thanks bro!

Sophie, really? hugs!

Jamie said...

very inspiring...somehow i was led to your blog, and i'm really happy i found it!

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