Perhaps you think it's something that is important. Yet there's a big difference between thinking it's important and knowing, without the least bit of doubt, that it must be done.
So if you're hesitant to take action, look within yourself for the reason why. Have the courage, and make the effort, to answer your own objections.
You may discover that you're not sincerely committed to achieving the results your actions would bring. And if that's the case, you can choose to either find that commitment or to move on to something else.
Your thoughts and actions are incredibly powerful. And to focus them in a particular direction, you must be absolutely convinced.
Convincing yourself is indeed a challenge, and that's as it should be. For when you truly convince yourself to do it, you have the power to make it so.
2 inspired and motivated:
very well written ... I am convinced on that for sure!
it is more of an inspired post!
i have passed it along! :)
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