For example, let's say that one of your co-workers loses his job, and after more than 6 months is unable to find employment. His house is foreclosed and his family must move into a small apartment. You look at his unfortunate experience and realize that you don't want that scenario for yourself. Now, instead of worrying about losing your job, and your house, and dwelling on the negative, you must determine what goals you can set, and what actions you can take, so that you never end up in that situation.
Turn the fear into desire. It will be just as strong and will lead you in a more positive direction. Compare these two statements:
"Joe lost his job, and then lost his house. I sure don't want that to happen to me."
"Joe lost his job, and then lost his house. I've started a part-time business, and am building a second income that will give me financial independence."
Do you see the difference. Knowing what you DON'T want can be vastly more useful when you turn it into something you DO want. That's because it gives you a way to take positive action. It's hard to get very far just by avoidance. The best way to move away from one thing is to move toward another.
3 inspired and motivated:
ok love the post dude ;)
agree with u fully...but yah, maybe i'm wrong...but the title is quite misleading right? get positive by being negative?? still, its true tht turning fear into goals is the best way to do things....
i think u'll like this post of mine...
instead of building up on the fear, look at it as challenge
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