The imagination is so delicate that sometimes even words wound it

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Q of the day

What toys from your childhood do you still wish you had?
List the ones you wish Mom hadn't thrown out.

10 inspired and motivated:

lv2scpbk said...

I used to have a Barbi type doll wringer washer that really worked. Wish I had it now.

Americanising Desi said...


Unknown said...

My 53' Chevrolet Panel Service Tonka-toy truck...
Lone Ranger twin pistols and holster set...
my Stingray bicycle
my gas-powered model airplane that crashed and burned one hour after I opened it....waah

Americanising Desi said...

ouch at gas powered model airplane crash.

IceMaiden said...

i didnt let my Ma throw anythng out!!! im 21 n i still have all my barbie dolls, tinkle magzines, GIJoes, hotwheels etc etc :P :D (ok i realize i sound extremely insane :P :D)

skywind said...

Wow, my house. LOL

Anonymous said...

I still have am all !! :P Mum did'nt throw any away.. although i think she wishes that its time for me to grow up now.. :(

Anonymous said...

wish I still had my Giant Barbie doll & Rabbit.

Anonymous said...

This is easy! I had a pink 'baba bear' and he was adorable! MY life while I was growing up! Then he got cancer (his thread came lose) And Mum was so annoyed with the cotton thrown around. She threw it :x :(( I have never loved any soft toy like that ever again :'(

Anonymous said...

my dummy :'(

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