Have you ever looked at a "Magic Eye" image? It's one of those pictures with a repeating pattern, and a hidden 3-dimensional image. To see the hidden image, you have to focus your eyes "behind" the surface of the paper, which is initially very counter-intuitive. We have a tendency to look at what's "there", and that prevents us from seeing what's "behind there." If you relax your eyes though, the hidden image will eventually "pop" into view, with amazing clarity.
Interestingly, once you've seen the hidden image, it is much easier to see it again. That's because you know, from experience, where and how to look for it.
Doesn't it make you wonder what other things lie "hidden" beneath the surface? The superficial things in life can be very distracting, and can prevent us from seeing what's behind them.
The next time something seems "obvious" ask yourself what else is there. What are you not seeing because you're looking too intently? Some of the most interesting people, the most exciting opportunities, the most powerful secrets of life reveal themselves with great subtlety.
2 months ago
4 inspired and motivated:
this post is nice... ;)
nice template too..
haf fun,
Some of the most interesting people, the most exciting opportunities, the most powerful secrets of life reveal themselves with great subtlety.
luckily we have you. :) to tell us its there.
i m just trying to earn two pennies :)
Yes,I have seen those imgages but then instead of relaxing you have to really concentrate on seeing it.And like you said it takes some time and effort to visualise the image for the firsts time,later,it's just a habit.It's amazing how you can draw parallels with things we plainly overlook.
And how true,scratching the surface and looking beyond the obvious alone will yeild the magic and and the charm!
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