Have you ever Googled your own name? What funny, insane, or interesting things did you find?
2 months ago
Inspired by the greats, here I am, taking a chance to change our fates!
Have you ever Googled your own name? What funny, insane, or interesting things did you find?
5 inspired and motivated:
you know what i actually did...
i tried three names
ubaid ullah ahmed
hahaha and guess what all i found on google were all my profiles... my art work my poetry and my writing... and if you search ubaid ullah ahmed on fb the only person you find is me :p
i simply tried
and it gives me links n some famous mehreen :P
best question ever
i even wrote a post about it last year :D :p
i googled 'mubi' and i found out that its a river in africa :p :D
I found the 5k that I ran about 7 years ago and realized that I finished that race MUCH faster than I thought I did!
A site for lingerie. :|
Famous writer Anita Desai & Anita Nair :P
Some fashion house.
A type of asian blue butterfly :D
and lots of blogs and profiles on various networking sites... such a common name.. :P
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