Are you not completely sure which way you want your life to go? Then be happy that you are so open to possibilities. And find joy in exploring them. Are you burdened with problems and responsibilities? Then be happy that you have so many opportunities to make a difference, and to grow stronger by overcoming the obstacles.
No circumstance can stop you from being happy. No person can prevent your happiness, except you. Be happy right now because you can be, and because you have every reason to be.
No circumstance can stop you from being happy. No person can prevent your happiness, except you. Be happy right now because you can be, and because you have every reason to be.
4 inspired and motivated:
:) funny. everything that happens happens for the best doesnt it ???
or is it just that looking at it that way makes it easier to bear? i am not quite sure :)
I'm smiling as i read this :)
A D,
True, positive attitude always pays dividends.
Take care
yes, we have every reason to be happy :-)
great blog. following
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