on the phone a year later, he asked her if she missed him. her reply was "i don't miss you. i miss the guy who called me every second he could, who sat at home on Saturday nights when we couldn't be together thinking of me..the guy who knew how to say sorry, the guy who came to my house after every fight, the guy who told me i looked like a rose, that's the guy i miss. you, well how could i miss you, i don't even know you!!
2 months ago
14 inspired and motivated:
:( !!! I MISS her now :( !!!
i always miss him.
but that is the best part of unconditional love :)
true ...
Per i wish she could be with me !! as she was my everything !! she still is !!
some wishes are to be wished and lived life along!
I wish i could stop time & live in this moment forever so that i would never lose sight of his face, the comfort of his touch, or the taste of his kiss. the time went by so fast when i was you; hours seemed like seconds. i just wanna freeze time & rewind... but then i am still in love after so much of fast forward :)
I can never find the right words to explain
how I feel about her, So many thoughts rushing through my mind whenever I think about her... I only could have dreamt all of this would happen and I'm so glad it was with her... Every hug, every kiss, every hand that was held, was special
because it was shared with her... I loved her outlook and attitude with life sometimes I wish I could be more like her... SO cold, and heart randering... but I've never felt so loved and special and it was all because of her
At the same time I'm crying and drying inside
not knowing what will happen to her ahead... She had become a part of my life and my biggest fear was loosing her...
Yet it happened... HA !! LIFE WISHES ARE DEATH REGRETS !!
:( I miss him and myself and what we had.
That's the thing about words They are clear & specific, but when you talk about feeling, words are too stiff. They are this & that. They can't conclude all the meanings. They always leave something out.
Love. We think about it, sing about it; dream about it, loose sleep worrying about it. When we don't have it, we search for it. When we discover it, we don't know what to do with it. When we have it, we fear losing it. It's our constant source of pleasure and pain, but we can't predict which it will be from one moment to the next. It's a short word, easy to spell, difficult to define, and impossible to live without!
Ah love is such a madness :)
no doubt love is MADNESS AT ITS PEAK !!
and hey siras ... sad naa ho yaar !! we all are with u naah !!
This is a woman. Mouth to say yes, but the heart is not the case. :)
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bang bang bang! it was a fire cracker.. awesome!
whoa.. :)
siras.. aww why the gloomy cheerio?
UB... and it is the sorta madness we all wanna be hit with
skywind... hahaha so a woman is a woman in short and sweet words :P
Kajal... bang bang thank you maam [lol] sorry for the corni-ism. but couldnt stop it!
Ahmer... hehe whaoooooooo!
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