Sometimes they are flippant things that don't really matter, other times they are life changing.
We can go on. Human's have an amazing ability to adjust to given situations, and we really can go on. Life goes on - how true that is. Often we don't know why bad things happen, we don't know why we have been put in situations that just aren't fair. When a child dies, why is that?! It's so devastating for everyone involved.
Life goes on.
Life goes on.
We are all here for a reason, and it may not be until 20, 30 years down the road where we can reflect on what has happened and truly make more sense of it all.
I'm sorry if you have had things happen in your life that are unfair, or tragically devastating. Certainly I've also had things happen that are unjust, unfair, sad. Don't give up!
You are an important part of this world, and you are here for a reason!
this is a special dedication for two very special people in my BLOG FAMILY... A.Y.L.A. wherever you are and Ubaid!
25 inspired and motivated:
"Life goes on" sure why not? but actually for certain time it looks that there is nothing to do in this world and I guess it is natural we dont have control over it. But one thing everybody should know time is the biggest pain killer.
A very good post again
I completely agree with your post today! I wish people could live without the drama and just realize that in the grand scheme of things most problems aren't even a drop in the bucket. Why is it that we dwell so much more on the negative elements in our lives than the positives?? But I guess if there wasn't any drama in our lives, what would we talk about? (Hopefully something positive!)
Zeeshan, yup yup :)
Alison, ohhh exactly, the drama makes way for the emotion down pour ;)
it does indeed xx
i just hope A.Y.L.A and Ubaid come down here :)
awww *hugz* so sweet of you :) !!
yes life does go on ... and its just coz of friends like you which keeps us going !!
and AYLA is pretty fine too !! (atleast i hope so)
:) i just hope it just doesnt drag cuz of people like us :)
how can it drag yaar ??
u always have inspiring words... in every sense ... and i still love the comments which u said on the caged bird one remember ?? !!
i do i do :D:D:D
with every comment u post it makes me feel how much u have got hurt !!
waisey .... shift the convo to fb or msn !! that would be better !! (only if u want)
indeed life goes on but some things aren't same anymore..some voids cannot be filled..you can't find alternatives of your beloved ones but still you got to move on..yeah thats right life goes on..
@illusion ...
u couldn't have said anybetter...
Ubaid. gtalk?
An illusion.. God has made us in a very remarkable way.
we heal!
lolz... i don't use that !!
no doubt we heal ... but the scars always remain !!
and i just use that lol
scars are to remain, that way we are human :) the recall factor!
but sometimes U DO WISH that everything should be fine ... yaar it feels good to be happy ... i used to be sachi wala happy ... but now ... HMMM i just belive happiness is nothing just the absence of saddness... and saddness is the thing which always remain ... now it all fits in the word FACADE ... people just keep on doing it ... including me i guess... u would never be able to recognise me in public... coz i am known for my happiness and fun nature !!
We are all a little damaged. Some of us hide it better than others, but on some level, we are all torn up. We take it out on others & beat through life carrying it all & we will end up damaging someone else & most of the time, we won't even notice or bother to care because we are too busy with our little disaster we call life.
Seher, thankyou so much:) the post was brilliant.. And I am fine, dont worry.. Its just that sometimes I let the little things in life get to me.. And thank god that isn't often.. Its just that this one incident reminded me of something I feel guilty about and hence that low self esteem..
Im back to being sane now=]
we all go through difficult phases, some are worse and some bearable,. But that is what makes life, to learn from these phases, so we become stronger..
we cant understand someone else's pain unless we have been in the same situation ourself..scars always stay, but time heals the wounds and makes us stronger:)
thankyou so much, ure a truly amazing person seher..
Beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad, but it's the middle that counts the most. Try to remember that when you find yourself at a new beginning. Just give hope a chance to float up. And it will... :)
i love you. dont forget that :)
Sometimes I wish life didn't go on. That after everything that happened, it didn't go on, and it stopped or just I don't know went on a break til you could get back together again.. because moving on is the most difficult part.
girlie it is, but that is what requires some input and determination from our end. life is about chapters. we gotta live one at a time :)
:) !! interesting discussions going on over here ;) !!
wasnt fun without you ;)
Totally agree with you.. :)
:D:D thank you thank you Ahmer!
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