I am not promoting FOUL USE OF LANGUAGE and please dont get this message wrong.
If you dare think that, may you pee in bed tonight.
Yea so I just curse :P
But JUST DO IT because you will get only one life and after this is over, you'll just have a here after where you will be too busy burning in hell or making love in the heavens, but you'll have other stuff to do I mean.
SO quit getting scared!
6 inspired and motivated:
Haha... Nice way to put across the right message!!! Yea, speaking one's mind = straight forwardness is always a good habit!!!
I feel it is always better to speak upfront rather than bitching behind the back ... it always helps in the long term ..
saying the truth isnt as difficult as listening to it...
LOL, I love this.
i m so glad you all enjoyed it!
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