The "couch potato" is more comfortable being uncomfortably overweight, than getting up and walking around the block a few times.
Much of what we consider comfortable, isn't even very pleasurable. In fact, it is often downright unpleasant. Yet it is what we're accustomed to, and that's why we cling to it.
Comfort is in the eye of the beholder. Commitment, focus and effective effort can be just as comfortable as laziness and indulgence. Is your desire for certain comforts holding you back? Then re-examine and re-define what you consider to be comfortable. Become comfortable doing the things that will move you in the direction of your dreams.
4 inspired and motivated:
comfort is like a ditch, you get stuck and then its uncomfortable to get out. Someone was pondering today?
Comfortable for me is using the internet endlessly.
Uncomfortable is studying.
I'm going to get "comfortable" with studying =)
eye in sty in,
lol. yea and the world will end for sure now :P
baby girl,
if u study today, tomorrow will b shining :)
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