Everything in your world is interconnected. Create value in one place, and that value casts its light in additional places as well.
Your positive thoughts and actions often have immediate and direct results. They also have indirect results that can continue far beyond the obvious.
A small kindness offered to just one person can end up benefiting countless others. The love you give will always, in ways that you may never even realize, come back to you.
Success and fulfillment do not occur in isolation. You'll receive no great benefit from being positive about only a few things if you take a negative approach in other areas.
Instead, focus all your awareness and intention in a positive, fulfilling direction. Then, all the many connections will organize in such a way as to move you quickly forward.
3 inspired and motivated:
interconnection..a must to the world!
Ah, what can I say...this has a connection with an answering machine at which I left a message five minutes ago..it said {message} [...] Have a nice day and make it good one to someone else too.
Yes, everything...is interconnected.
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