The imagination is so delicate that sometimes even words wound it

Friday, May 15, 2009

Yours to Give

The way to be respected is to be respectful. The way to be heard is to listen.

What do you wish to experience? Give it to others, and you will surely find it appearing and growing stronger in your own life.

To make a positive impression, find the qualities that are positive and valuable about every person you meet. What you send is amplified through the lives of others and comes back to you without fail.

Every day is filled with opportunities to offer genuine and meaningful kindness. The more of those opportunities you follow and fulfill, the richer your life becomes.

Advantages built on brute force and deception will crumble quickly. Achievements built on kindness, respect, understanding and love will continue to grow in value and influence.

Give, and as you do you'll be able to give more and more. The life of your dreams is now yours to give, and to fully experience.

9 inspired and motivated:

Z Sattar said...

"What do you wish to experience? Give it to others, and you will surely find it appearing and growing stronger in your own life."

really? is it this much simple

Americanising Desi said...

i am a learner just like you.
while i yearn to inspire i let myself be inspired :)

Mary Rose said...

Zeeshan if you put your mind to it, it is simple.
thanks for the inspiration Seher

Anonymous said...

What you send is amplified through the lives of others and comes back to you without fail.

I liked this line the most.. inspirational indeed seher..

Anonymous said...

sigh...sounds so simple and easy to follow and so far away from my present head atm :(

AJ said...

ahh. i so believe in what's being said here. if we could all follow it. live it. this world would be such a better place. love it. i will make sure, i make such a difference in other lives around me.

Americanising Desi said...

Individually we all have a lot of room!
the power and the position :D

kim said...

Good Inspirational post dear.... :)

deepteshpoetry said...

I understand u have redesigned...but I can't find ur blogs or ur novels.Pls let me know.And I've a new poem..can't wait 4 ur cmnts.

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