The imagination is so delicate that sometimes even words wound it

Friday, July 10, 2009


The most dangerous knife is a dull one, because it is so difficult to control. Brute force without control is worse than useless -- it is destructive.

With power, comes the obligation to exercise control. Your actions are very powerful, particularly when viewed in the aggregate over a long period of time. The "little things" you do, day after day, add up to have a big influence on your world. Your thoughts are powerful as well. Everything you do, starts as a thought.

To wisely use the power of your thoughts and actions, you must exercise deliberate control. The power of your thoughts and actions, is already there. Your job is to control and direct that power. Without that control, you work against yourself. With focused control, you can achieve incredible fulfillment.

3 inspired and motivated:

AJ said...

Like they say it, with power comes responsibility. And here the control is necessary to drive your power in the right direction.

Well said.

Haris Gulzar said...

So true! The power of our thoughts and actions is already here and our job is to control and direct that power. Which, BTW, we often misuse. The power that if used in the correct direction, can create wonders... as you said, we can achieve incredible fulfillment.

Nice post indeed (Y).

skywind said...

If we cannot control self, that can be very fearful.
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