What items would you put into a personal time capsule, and why?
inspired and motivated:
I'd try to put my blog and probably a picture of my family and a picture of me smiling, just in case I am not happy when I open the capsule..to remind myself that I was happy once and you can always smile.
4 inspired and motivated:
I'd try to put my blog and probably a picture of my family and a picture of me smiling, just in case I am not happy when I open the capsule..to remind myself that I was happy once and you can always smile.
monica belluci! wait a minute.... make that jessica alba ( I had to think hard to narrow it down to her) :P
My phone (which doubles as a PC), a pencil & reporters pad, my memories.
My phone because you know - communication communication communication!
Pencil & pad because I like to write, doodle randomly, capture random moments...
Memories - what else would you want to be stuck in time with? :)
maybe my diary that i maintained some yrs ago, a pic of me n Mom, the smell of Cool Water!! :P
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