1. I will never complain about a problem. I will supply a solution instead.
2. I will listen more than I speak.
3. If I don’t know, I will ask questions.
4. Everything is nothing without happiness. I must do what makes me happy.
5. I will never succumb to greed. Enough is enough.
6. Time is precious. I will manage my time effectively.
7. Right now is the only guaranteed moment in my life. I will make the best of it.
8. I will stand firm by my values without senselessly promoting them.
9. I will never over-promise. I will over-deliver on everything I commit to.
10. I will always assess the situation and provide value where needed.
11. I cannot make someone love me. I can only be someone who can be loved.
2 months ago
1 inspired and motivated:
hmmm... all the very best:)...
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